I received the Moldvay Basic Dungeons and Dragons boxed set for Christmas, 1982. That gift started a 30+ year fascination with and enjoyment of Roleplaying Games. I will be forever grateful to my father (an old Avalon Hill wargamer) for introducing and encouraging me in gaming, even though he had no idea (and still really doesn't) what an RPG is!
As an homage to that wonderful Christmas, 32 years ago, I ran several sessions of the module that was included in that set (B2 The Keep on the Borderlands) over G+ Hangouts/Roll20 this holiday season. In the many years since first reading B2, I have, like many of us, made The Keep and the surrounding environment my own, with lots of stolen ideas along the way!
Here are the session reports from those games, which I named "Home for the Holidays":
for the Holidays Part I
- Elf (killed by Orc war dogs, with a little help from Milo)
the Novice - Cleric
MacTrews - Cleric
Quickfingers - Halfling
- Dwarf
- Man-at-arms
- a fine specimen of Mule
Places Visited
The Keep
The Old Watchtower
The party came together in the small
village of Lyfford. Upon realizing they
were all headed to The Keep, they agreed to travel together for safety. Also travelling to The Keep was a Trader
named Malcham and his man-at-arms, Hurmore. Malcham
offered to feed the characters if they traveled with him perhaps offer a
monetary bonus if they proved valuable.
All thought that was a smashing idea.
The sharp eyes of Angon the Elf spotted an ambush by
bandits within the very sight of The Keep.
Denied their surprise, the bandits offered to let the characters go if
they abandoned Malcham and his wagon
of goods. After only the slightest
hesitation the characters agreed and earned themselves a 5gp bonus and eternal
friendship from Malcham. This proved useful as it turns out Malcham was heading to The Keep to take
over leadership of the Traders' Guild outpost there.
Upon arriving at The Keep, the
characters were greeted by the pompous Corporal
of the Guard, Hagis MacPhearson. Everyone entered The Keep legally and with
only a minimum of threats and insults.
After collecting their reward from Malcham the characters split up to
attend to various chores within The Keep.
The Clerics went to The Chapel and met Father Benedikt, the Curate. Angon
the Elf bumped into a proselytizing priest named Janos Brightsun and spent the afternoon "hearing the good
news!". Milo purchased some much needed ranged weaponry and Graki made friends with Hagar Patris, the Taverner as well as hiring a stout man-at-arms named Sturlo.
The party learned of various rumors
regarding the surrounding area:
Little dogmen inhabit the lower Caves of Chaos.
There once was an old Watchtower somewhere north of the old road.
There is a rumored cave somewhere in the area simply known as The Cave
of the Unknown.
An ogre lives at The Caves of Chaos and is known to sell his services as
a mercenary.
A fair maiden is rumored to be imprisoned somewhere within The Caves of
An ruined monastery is said to be located somewhere on Knobb Hill.
The Cursed Mound is spotted with ancient Barrows that have been known to
contain treasure.
Setting out the next morning,
primarily in search of the old Watchtower, the party made good time along the
old road. Breaking into the woods the
characters did indeed use good sense of the regional terrain to find the old
watchtower. Unfortunately, someone else
had the idea of using the old tower and two bandits attacked the party as it
approached. The bandits were fairly
easily defeated by withering missile fire.
One was killed and one was captured.
After threats of various sorts the characters learned that the local
bandit leader is named Healfdane. The captured bandit would not divulge the
location of the bandit hideout, however.
There was a basement to the tower
that needed investigation. With a bare
minimum of hallucination induced intra-party conflict and judicious use of dual
turning of skeletons, the pary escaped with a modest treasure and some minor
magical armor. The captured bandit tried
to escape and steady Sturlo was
forced to kill him with a mighty spear throw.
Spending the night in the tower,
several characters on watch noticed a strange purple glow from a location about
a mile south of the tower. Heading that
way the party discovered the location of The Cave of the Unknown, now known as
The Cave of the Now Known.
Deciding it best to head back to The
Keep and refit the party surprised a group of Black Fang Orcs and their war dogs.
In a confused and vicious fight in the woods at dusk the party was
victorious but Angon the Elf was
lost to a vicious groin-bite of one of the surprisingly tough war dogs.
Upon returning to The Keep the party
informed the watch and the Bailiff,
one Warden Oakshield, of the
presence of Orcs so close to The Keep, earning a little respect along the way.
for the Holidays Part II
- Elf
the Novice - Cleric (killed by Mushroom Men)
- Magic User
- Dwarf
- Man-at-arms
- a fine specimen of Mule
- Man-at-arms
- Fighter
Places Visited
The Keep
The Old Watchtower
The Cave of the Unknown (now the
Cave of the Now Known)
Setting out to explore the Cave of
the Now Known, the party happened upon a merchant named Lysandrus who was lost and stuck on the wrong side of a
ravine. They helped him arrive safely at
The Keep and received a reward of 100 GP.
His guard, Rolf, quit the
merchants service to sign on with Graki.
The party arrived safely at The Old
Watchtower and camped, heading to the Cave of the Now Known in the
morning. The cave turned out to be vast
and dangerous. Sturlo fell to giant Gecko Lizards, the party found a magically
sealed door, a boulder-filled passage that looks like it continues to the
northeast, an albino ape nearly killed them all, piercers were adroitly
avoided, and Gundahar the Novice
sadly fell to walking mushrooms. Perhaps
most sad of all, Steve was carried
away by a Carcass Scavenger as the party fled The Cave of the Now Known pell
A mithril chain shirt +1 was found along with 600 gp in assorted coins.
for the Holidays Part III
MacTrews - Cleric
- Magic User
- Dwarf
- Dwarf Man-at-arms
- a fine specimen of Mule
- Man-at-arms
- Fighter
and Raff - Guard Dogs
Places Visited
The Keep
The Old Watchtower
The Cave of the Unknown (now The
Cave of the Mostly Known)
The party properly prepared for a
return to the Cave of the Unknown with hirelings, weaponry and oil. Navigating through the treacherous mushroom
forest the party assaulted the lair of the Mushroom Men and beat them down
systematically. The most dangerous
moment was when it was discovered the Mushroom Men were led by, or had
enthralled, a magic-user. Luckily, some
party members made their saving throws against his sleep spell.
Many gems and treasure were
recovered from the lair as well as a passage leading far to the northeast.
for the Holidays Part IV
- Elf
- Magic User
- Elf (carried off by Carrion Crawlers)
- Magic User (killed by Zombies)
- Magic User
- Man-at-arms
- Fighter
- Guard Dog
- Man at Arms (killed by Esti - accidentally?)
- Man at Arms (killed by Zombies)
- Man at Arms
- Man at Arms
Places Visited
The Keep
The Old Watchtower
The Cave of the Unknown (now The
Cave of the Mostly Known)
The Caves of Chaos
Deciding that further investigation
of the Cave of the Unknown was required the party set out from The Keep well
provisioned and with a small army of hirelings.
The Cave of the Unknown was mostly empty but no less deadly than
usual. Carnivorous Flies attacked the
party while they were trying to get through a magically locked door and Esti the Elf accidentally shot his own
retainer in the back, killing poor Kril. Carrion Crawlers later carried off Esti as the remainder of the party fled
to the sunlight.
Re-entering the cave the party
searched the lair of the Mushroom Men again and decided to climb the 35'
escarpment to a cave heading Northeast.
This cave ended up meeting with another passage and led to the heretofore
undiscovered Caves of Chaos. The party
explored some part of an evil lair containing Zombies (which killed Dervay and Thorbald), evil cultist and a torture room, complete with torturer
and goblin victim. After grabbing a fair
bit of treasure and a magical amulet, the party fled back to The Keep.
Home for the Holidays Part V
Theodosious - Cleric
Sarah - Magic User
Graki - Dwarf
Duncan - Cleric
Manilow - Fighter
Thark - Dwarf
Eisenbart - Dwarf
Rolf - Man-at-arms
Morghild - Fighter
Raff - Guard Dog
Riff - Guard Dog
Drowin - Man at Arms
Places Visited
The Cursed Mound Barrows
Many brave adventurers gathered for an expedition to The Cursed Mound, to look for the burial mounds that are said to dot the surface of the hill. The Dwarves Graki, Thark and Eisenbart made good use of their heritage and found several tunnels into the side of the hill. Methodically exploring each one, as Dwarves are wont to do, the party avoided nearly all of the deadly traps set by the Helvetii tribesmen who interred their most famous heroes and leaders in these barrows. Much treasure was plundered and a set of stairs leading down into an obviously larger underground demesne was also found. One tomb door refused even the most determined efforts to open and it was determined by Sarah that a magic spell of opening would be required to access it.
Home for the Holidays Part VI
Svein - Dwarf (nearly killed by Fire Beetles - Hideously Scarred)
Tagen - Fighter
Rolf - Man-at-arms (killed by Giant Weasel)
Morghild - Fighter
Drug - Dwarf Man-at-arms (killed by Giant Weasel)
Pelgash - Cleric
Places Visited
The Cursed Mound Barrows and Dungeon beneath said
Two newcomers to The Keep formed an adventuring party to further exploit the finds in The Cursed Mound. They wisely hired retainers that had been there with a previous group to guide them. They found a sealed barrow and decided to loot it. Unfortunately for Rolf and Drug, a Giant Weasel had burrowed into the grave and made it a lair. It killed the poor retainers before the rest of the party killed it. The graves were robbed thereafter and a very fine, ancient and magical sword was recovered.
Next the party located the previously looted barrow of The Prince and Princess and found the stairs down. They encountered several groups of Fire Beetles, including one that further incapacitated Svein. The party returned to The Keep with a moderate haul of gold and the extremely valuable sword.
Home for the Holidays Part VII
Svein - Dwarf
Tagen - Fighter
Fathis - Thief (nearly killed by Sapphire Skeleton - no ill effects)
Pelgash - Cleric
Burdue - Man-at-arms
Wart - Man-at-arms
Waylen - Torch Bearer
Places Visited
The Cursed Mound Barrows and Dungeon beneath said
Returning to the Dungeon beneath The Cursed Mound, the intrepid explorers made use of the knowledge gained regarding Fire Beetles to bypass the largest groups of the giant insects to loot several grave chambers. Skeletons of varying toughness, speed and special abilities were overcome with minimal loss of life. Fathis nearly succumbed to a skeleton with a sapphire in its skull that reanimated after being 'destroyed', but a luckily was only "mostly dead". He recovered from his wounds with no ill effects.
A strange stone arm with a clenched fist was uncovered as well as a magical talisman that helps to protect against catastrophe. The statue arm was confirmed to be magical by Sarin Moondance, Elven advisor to The Castellan.
Home for the Holidays Part VII
Svein - Dwarf
Tagen - Fighter (nearly killed by Satyrx - lost an eye)
Manilow the Adequate - Fighter
Pelgash - Cleric
Morghild - Fighter and the real PC of the group...
Rothdic - Man-at-arms (killed by Giant Killer Bees)
Jarol - Torchbearer
Craccus - Torch Bearer (killed by Harpies)
Places Visited
Brynden's Stop
While Fathis the Thief recovered from his near death, Tagen and Svein joined forces with the Fighter Manilow, who had been spending months in a debauch after a successful barrow looting expedition. The group decided to explore the old Verundian road that headed past the Fellgrim Forest to the East. About a days journey they discovered that the road led to an old fortress in ruins. Carefully exploring the ruins led to two near-deadly encounters back to back. The unlucky Rothdic stepped on a Giant Killer Bee hive and paid the price with his life. Svein was stung but shrugged off the deadly effects, due in no small part to the magical talisman he had recovered in the Dungeon beneath The Cursed Mound.
Misfortune found the party a second time in the form of a clutch of Harpies that charmed half of the men and made a quick meal of Craccus. Quick thinking, unerring missile fire, and a heap of luck saw the rest of the party through that encounter and to the Harpies treasure stash, which was significant. Manilow acquired another, yes another, cursed weapon. This time a sword of the berserker.
Investigating the upper chambers of the redoubt the party discovered the ghost of the former commander of the fort, one Sir Amoral. Several of the group offended the ghost, but Tagen succeeded in convincing Sir Amoral to teach him a fighting technique. Unfortunately Tagen failed the test Sir Amoral put to him, and nearly died in the attempt. The failure did cost him an eye, however. The party nursed Tagen back to The Keep where he recuperates from his wound.
Home for the Holidays Parts VIII and IX
Svein - Dwarf (Deceased)
Tagen - Fighter
Manilow the Adequate - Fighter
Milo - Halfling
Fathis - Thief
Malor - Magic User
Nimorn - Elf
Pelgash - Cleric
Jarol - Torchbearer promoted to Man-at-Arms
Grommett - War Dog (Killed by Goatmen)
Landersuth - Man-at-Arms
Places Visited
The Caves of Chaos (Finally!)
The Ruined Monastery
The Dungeon beneath The Cursed Mound
Finally a group of reavers decided to descend upon The Caves of Chaos en masse. Heeding rumors heard in The Keep, they stuck to a lower cave, expecting lighter resistance from smaller monsters. They found a cave inhabited by 3' tall hairy humanoids with twisted goat heads. The goatmen seemed weak individually, but they used ambush, traps and sheer numbers to try and overwhelm the party. The party prevailed, but not before losing the recently purchased war dog, Grommett, to tiny goat spears and the brave Svein the Dwarf, despite owning a very powerful amulet that had saved his life many times before. The party looted quite a bit of treasure after chasing the majority of the goatmen from their cave, proving that although deadly, The Caves of Chaos can also be lucrative.
Upon leaving the Goatman cave the party discovered that the survivors had apparently run to another cave, where they were just emerging with a troop of very competent looking red-skinned humanoids in heavy infantry kit. The party wisely tipped on out back to The Keep. A small band of three Lizardmen attacked the well-armed party, inexplicably on the route home. After defeating the reptile-men, the party carried their bodies back to The Keep and caused quite a stir. Apparently there was a large Lizardman problem about 15 years ago that nearly destroyed The Keep. Veterans of that war were disturbed to think that the Lizardmen may be in Spawn, a 6 to 12 month period where the males compete for mates and are known to attack in a berserk rage against any odds. More ominously, it is a time when a typical Lizardman tribe may breed exponentially and increase up to ten-fold in size in a short period of time.
A soldier was put on trial, and convicted of, assaulting a farmer. He was sentenced to be flogged. Gypsies arrived at The Keep but were not permitted to enter. They set up their camp at the crossroads a mile south of The Keep. Fortune-telling services, as well as cheap tinkered items are available. Tagen visited Madame Roux to get his fortune told and discovered he was going to become a powerful, rich and famous warrior. No one believed her...
More unbelievably than predictions of Tagens survival and success was the discovery that the Castellan had done nothing to address the impending Lizardman threat. Upon investigation the party discovered that patrols and military presence in general had been declining in the past year and The Keep projected nearly no presence into The Borderlands any longer. Veterans such as the Sergeant of the Guard, Borus Bonegrinder, voiced their frustration at the lack of aggressiveness and decline in troop morale.
Replacing Svein with a recently arrived Nimorn, and leaving Malor to his studies at The Keep, the party headed to Knobb Hill to discover the location of a rumored ruined Monastery. Finding it, and the inevitable door leading to the catacombs beneath, the party descended but beat a hasty retreat after they were confronted by 2 ghouls and 2 four-armed skeletons which dropped two party members in as many seconds. Poor Milo nearly lost his arm but it was miraculously saved by Father Janos Brightsun upon returning to The Keep. Nimorn underwent a spiritual awakening after nearly succumbing to a vicious Ghoul bite.
Deciding to pursue easier treasure, the party returned to the familiar stomping grounds of the dungeon beneath The Cursed Mound. Several vicious traps were navigated with varying degrees of success and aplomb. An altar room with animated statues was looted, providing a magical bronze bowl that Nimorn determined can create a random magic potion once per day, as well as a watery-themed sarcophagus room with a water weird hiding in a font.